New World
I had completed the required reading , the workbooks , and had spent many hours study and observation . I was more than ready to commit myself to the great school . A school of knowledge to be sure but it was much more . It was the school of the greatest philosophies of life , of healing . Its students and masters led a humble life of service to the good of all men .
All who lived and learned within its care , considered themselves to be truly blessed . The school itself was a building of great stone blocks . From a distance it appeared as a castle , but in fact it actually resembled a grand old monastery . Surrounding the school on all sides were beautiful gardens and great sweeping fields of herbs and wildflowers . Students and masters both tended to the care of the grounds , everything was used for the purpose of healing . Stone pathways wound their ways through the many gardens and out into the open fields . There were no walls or fences to be seen , all was open . It was a place of immense beauty.
I was walking up one such pathway towards a field covered in the most beautiful wildflowers I had ever seen . It was as if the gently rolling hillside was carpeted in a soft hue of shimmering blues and mauve . I was walking towards two of the schools masters , one I believed to be the head . I was wearing a simple brown robe . My only possession was the tattered looking workbook I held in my hand . It was a record of all the required learning exercises set by the school, for the hopeful individuals to complete as preparation for further serious study at the school .
The school head looked at me disapprovingly as I approached . She was dressed in typical masters robes , long and flowing soft material in darker shades of blue . “Why are you here?” she asked definitely annoyed by my presence . “I have come to ask acceptance into the great school”, was my reply . “You were not invited”, her words were harsh , she obviously felt I did not belong . “I have completed all the work required” I insisted , “and I have already dedicated my service”.
“You?” she questioned mockingly and rolled her eyes at her companion . This was not what I had expected , far from it. I was under the impression that such dedication was welcomed and encouraged , and her attitude was contrary to the schools philosophy of the basic attitude towards all men .
“But look”, I insisted further , opening my workbook to show her the work I had done so far . At that moment there was a blood curdling screech , and a deafening roar that seemed to come from every direction . “What have you done ?” she screamed at me accusingly . “You shouldn’t have come here . Who are you ?” . I stood dumbfounded , I had no idea what she was talking about . “Quick” she yelled to her companion . “The demons have been released” . “You fool , run away from here !” she yelled at me as she and her companion turned to run back to the school .
Somehow the demons of darkness had been released and I had copped the blame . The demons were bitter and twisted souls of the past that were lost in the world of darkness , unable to find their way towards the light as most of mankind had . They had been left , trapped in a world created by their own miseries , and festered in their own anger . Now somehow they were released into the new world , determined to shut out the light and bring mankind back into the age of darkness .
“Wait !” , I cried to the fleeing masters . “I can help . Together we can defeat the darkness and turn the demons to the light!” . They turned and looked at me disbelievingly . They did not look as though they were willing to help , and any way it was too late . The first of the demons was upon me . It was a vile , twisted winged looking creature . What happened next was blurringly fast .
Hard to describe and hard to remember . I don’t recall how many demons came . But one by one I turned to face them and a battle of kinds was fought . The nature of the battle is the hardest to recall . I fought somehow without physical blows and without any tangible weapon . However a form of light passed through my hands . It was almost like I held a transparent , slightly luminescent sword or beam . I felt fire racing through my veins and was somehow aware that the light was a form of power that came from deep within myself.
One by one the demons succumbed to the blows of my light sword ( for no use of a better word ) . They fell crumpling to the ground , releasing their spirits skyward in streaks of light . Then just as I thought it was over , came one final demon . It came around from the far side of the school . It was huge .
It looked robot like , made out of rusted old wash tubs and scrap metal . Its long bulky legs covered the distance between us quickly . I took a deep breath and raised my light sword to the sky . ” Turn unto the light !” I cried as I brought the beam of light down across the demons shoulders . The huge bulk fell to the ground as the head of the demon was severed . I stared in amazement as I saw , not a mass of body forming a demon , but an empty shell . It was so large on the outside , but it had absolutely nothing within .
I was standing there feeling hot , sweaty but not physically exerted . There were students and masters now filtering into the grounds . There were whispers and stares as I made my way towards the school . The head and her companion looked ashamedly towards the ground as I approached . “A fellow master” , I heard one whisper to another . “We should have known” .
“I am sorry” I said as I stood before the head master , still believing it was all somehow my fault . “We are sorry” , she replied . “Are you a master , how can we be of service to you ?” . “No” , I said. “I am just a humble common person , seeking acceptance to your school” . “But you fought the demons of darkness , you must have acquired great knowledge” ,
she said .
“I don’t understand what happened myself” , I admitted . “I simply felt a sense of duty and I think anyone could have done what I did . I have much to learn , may I have acceptance to your school ?” .
“Of course” , she said , and we headed towards the greatest school of life .
by Tracey M