Memories come and go like whispers in the wind. But still life goes on. The stone that rolls down the hill , still gathers no moss. But with each revolution a little more of it’s surface is ground away, leaving a trail lying upon the ground. The scent of the whisper of memories , lingers […]
New World
New World I had completed the required reading , the workbooks , and had spent many hours study and observation . I was more than ready to commit myself to the great school . A school of knowledge to be sure but it was much more . It was the school of the greatest […]
The Ausorigin creating art from old grow...
The Ausorigins creating art from old growth wood story Inspirations for creating the art that we do! My wife Tracey and i are both passionate about two things, our Australian environment and creating art through words or art pieces. Our quest started with one of our treks into the Australian bush, forest that had been […]
Preserving old growth rotting timber
Preserving old growth rotting timber How we treat your artworks We hunt out area’s of where there once was a mighty forest and seek out the last remnants of that forest. But that leaves us with one dilemma, preserving old growth rotting timber, the timber though full of character is generally soft. To create our […]