Preserving old growth rotting timber

How we treat your artworks


We hunt out area’s of where there once was a mighty forest and seek out the last remnants of that forest. But that leaves us with one dilemma, preserving old growth rotting timber, the timber though full of character is generally soft.

To create our artworks and lights from this material and to preserve the natural colour and grain of the wood presented several problems. Unsing the standard shop bought preservatives not only changed the colour of the wood to very dark, it changed the feel of the old growth wood as well.

It stopped feeling like timber and felt like plastic, also they required solvents to clean up with. Varnishes came up with the same problems as well, dark and lifeless timber.

This is not what old growth timber deserves!

So the experimentation started, to find a truely environmentally safe way to preserve the timber as close as possible to the colour of the wood straight from the bush. Also a way to harden the wood so that it stoppes the decompasition, but still feels like old grwoth timber.

After a years research and experimentation we have come up with the perfect formula to treat our artworks with, this formula is not only totally water based but makes the wood look like you have just collected it from the forest.

Our artworks keep the feeling of natural old grwoth timber, but are stabalised and well last for ever if cared for.

Cleaning and care instructions are provided.